Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekend update - 20 Feb

Had another good weekend of training.  Want to give a shout out to the Tri-State Metro Area Eastern Valley PRO group ride.  There are several strong regional racers that show up for this ride.  I treat these rides as races and my pre-ride routine involves jamming to Journey, Rush, and STYX on my iPod.  Apologies to all the riders I 'ignore', but I need to go to my 'special place' like the European pros before Paris-Roubaix.  I got 14th in the first town line sprint and 27th in the next sprint.  Not bad considering I didn't eat my normal breakfast AND I was testing a new saddle bag that was loaded down with an extra tire lever.  I wasn't on my race wheels either, I can feel my training wheels really slow me down as they don't have any snap.
I will start sharing my power numbers soon, but for now, I'm in 'stealth mode' per my Albanian trainer's (Larry) advice.  Don't share with the competition!!  I will say I'm seeing some promising numbers and they are creeping up in the right direction.  With my increased power numbers and more aero sprinting position, I really can't see me NOT winning this spring.
On the equipment side of things, I recently had my local shop install a lighter seat post collar.  This saved a few grams and offers a significant mental edge when climbing.  Another two thumbs up!!
On the work side of things, Cracker Barrel introduced a new appetizer "Jalepeno Poppers".  I heard these are fashionable to serve, so I guess we're just falling in line.  ALL the employees got a free sample to try, which I thought was cool of management, now we can recommend without hesitation.  I think we're also going to be offering Diet Dr. Pepper soon,  so that's good news too.  I'm glad I have compression calf guards to wear, because my 3 hour shift is tough on my recovery after the hard training rides I do.
Europe 2014

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mid-Feb Fitness

It's Feb 15th, and I'm enjoying some winter fitness.  The burning question is - am I peaking too soon?  My Albanian trainer, Bora Dordana, (aka 'Larry') is a little concerned based on my recent power numbers I sent him.  But I will do some recovery rollerblading to ensure I don't push over the top.  I worked some double shifts at the Cracker Barrel so my legs are sore from running to get raspberry iced tea refills and loaded potato skins.  But the extra money is good and will go towards my new TREK and aero helmet.
There are a lot of on-line coupons out there, so please use them, no point in paying full price at the lovely eating establishments that go across our country.
I just put on some carbon water bottle cages, some see these as a luxury, but I see them as a necessity.  They save precious grams, look very European, and my bottles go in and out smoothly.  I would recommend to any racer out there.
I have some good friends that are very strong cyclists and they have said my sprint position (that I have been working on) is super European.  When I go to Europe to race, I will probably go for the sprinter's jersey in most races versus the leader's jersey.  Although, if I drop 8 kilograms, my watts per kilogram will be in line with some European pros, so maybe I'll do that. 
Lastly, I won three sprints in the weekly group ride.  I felt very strong and played it very well.  One stop light had turned, but when it's 'game on' my focus is Zen like and I wanted the win(s) and got them!  I beat some strong regional riders so that's a good sign of things to come.
Off to go do some stretching and eat some Cracker Barrel leftovers.  I might watch a cycling DVD for some extra inspriation for the next hard workout that's coming up.
I just ordered some European bar tape, so I'll let everyone know when I get it.  Several pro teams use this stuff and it has a nice thin layer of gel for the cobblestones, I've seen it in some of the DVD's I watch.  Let's say it will match my black Performance road shoes. Don't stop believing.....

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can't wait to race (and win)

I decided to race bikes after winning a charity ride of 15kms.  It was a tough event.  I increased the pace on a medium sized hill and went solo to the victory.  Now I am determined to do some racing.  My Trek bike performed perfectly, although I instructed the mechanic at Performance to put 130 psi in my tires and when I checked there was only 118 psi. 
I think I will be good because I am athletic from several years of softball.  I prefer cycling as it's an individual sport and I'm kind of a one man wolf pack.
I hired a trainer, he is smart and tells me how to train.  He is Albanian, but simply goes by "Larry".  He said my power numbers are looking good and several wins should come my way.  I recently got some compression calf guards as Larry said all the European pros wear these to aid in recovery.  I also got a European style track suit, it's looks good and is comfortable to wear after my rides. 
I hope to get noticed and want to race for a pro team.  This is my journey.