Thursday, February 10, 2011

Can't wait to race (and win)

I decided to race bikes after winning a charity ride of 15kms.  It was a tough event.  I increased the pace on a medium sized hill and went solo to the victory.  Now I am determined to do some racing.  My Trek bike performed perfectly, although I instructed the mechanic at Performance to put 130 psi in my tires and when I checked there was only 118 psi. 
I think I will be good because I am athletic from several years of softball.  I prefer cycling as it's an individual sport and I'm kind of a one man wolf pack.
I hired a trainer, he is smart and tells me how to train.  He is Albanian, but simply goes by "Larry".  He said my power numbers are looking good and several wins should come my way.  I recently got some compression calf guards as Larry said all the European pros wear these to aid in recovery.  I also got a European style track suit, it's looks good and is comfortable to wear after my rides. 
I hope to get noticed and want to race for a pro team.  This is my journey. 

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