Monday, March 7, 2011

Dedicated and Determined

It's been a while since my last entry, but I was at a secret training camp.  I'll share details in a few months, but the opportunity came up to travel (regionally) with Cracker Barrel, so I brought the bike along.  I feel it was a productive week as I got to log some big, hilly miles.
Really getting anxious to race and show some form.  Again, numbers pointed in the right direction, and good sensations when sprinting.
I raced a tri-guy on the Metro River City Trail and won pretty easily, even without the aero advantage. Then I raced another club level racer I came across a few suburbs away, he was strong, but ultimately, I put in a surge and he was gone.  Yeah, I pretty much rock the local scene.
Happy with my 700x19 tires, I really feel they are fast. 
First race quickly approaching, the Tri-State Metro City Crit.  Looking forward to that.
In non-cycling related news, I met a cool girl at 'the Barrel'.  I hope she's into European like cyclists and understands what it takes to be involved with a racer like me.  I think I'll go make her a mix tape now.
She has a two year degree in Resort Management from the local community college, that's pretty impressive really.  I may get her some compression socks as well.
See you out there - be ready to race me, because I'm like a caged lion!

1 comment:

  1. I am ready to ract and I have to question whether or not you are actually faster than me... just because you have a podium girl-style ladyfriend from the Cracker Barrel does not make you a pro. I have done countless Cat. 4 and even combined 3/4 TTs in the last two years and one time I even almost caught the rider in front of me, who started 20 seconds earlier. And that was into a headwind.

    This game is ON.
